Night Shift

Night Shift

Tackling ethical questions when working in Long Term Care

In Night Shift, four nurses of varying backgrounds and with different experience levels are doing their charting having just checked on their residents, all of whom are diagnosed with debilitating dementia. Their comical banter ends abruptly when they realize they have a serious difference of opinion. They have found two residents in bed in a compromising situation, and the staff disagree on how to proceed.

Is this consensual sexual activity? An assault perhaps? Should it be documented?

Should the police be informed? What about the families?

This 15-minute play does not offer up simplistic answers, but is sure to stimulate questions regarding the significant issues of consent, the rights of cognitively impaired persons, and the duty of staff to ensure the safety of residents in their care.

Key audiences include Nursing students at any level, from Degree Nurses to Personal Care Workers, Facility Administrators, Policy Advisors, Social Workers, Teachers of medical and/or legal ethics, Educators and anyone with a “duty to report”.